All in by Susan Barry-Schulz

by Susan Barry-Schulz

An unruly row of forsythia / barbed wire/ a brick wall / those orange and white barrels in construction zones / chicken wire / a split-rail fence / a split-rail fence with chicken wire / a picket fence /a chain link fence / a thick chain drawn across a driveway / invisible fence /  electric fence /wrought iron / railroad ties / shadowbox / cinderblocks / stockade /rock walls / lattice work / firewalls / the sound barrier / the great barrier reef / the thin screen to which the stink bugs cling / an even line of Italian Cypress / the phospholipid bilayer membrane of the human


so many ways we won’t be kept

from one another.


Susan Barry-Schulz is a healthcare professional with a special interest in incorporating Mindfulness and Tai Chi into her practice. Her work has been published recently in The Five-Two, The Wild Word, and Minute Magazine. She is a member of the Hudson Valley Writer's Center and the Mahopac Poetry Workshop. She grew up outside of Buffalo, NY, and now lives in a lake neighborhood in Putnam County with her husband and one or more of her 3 adult children. It all depends.