All in by Kai Coggin

by Kai Coggin

There is a new song
that comes from my fingers,
a new vibration
as the sound
of my promise clinks
against the every day things
I hold and touch,

the sound my wedding ring makes
against a glass,
a tiny bell of hope,

the song it makes as I
swipe the sudsy stainless steel sink,
push wet carrot tops
and bean ends
into the garbage disposal
with this soft scrape of gentle forever,

I keep hearing
what I think are bells,
but it is just my
into everything.


Kai Coggin is a widely published poet and author of three full-length collections Periscope Heart, Wingspan, and Incandescent. She is a QWOC who thinks Black lives matter, a teaching artist in poetry with the Arkansas Arts Council, and host of the longest running consecutive weekly open mic series in the country—Wednesday Night Poetry. Recently named “Best Poet in Arkansas” by the Arkansas Times, her fierce and powerful poetry has been nominated three times for The Pushcart Prize, as well as Bettering American Poetry 2015, and Best of the Net 2016 and 2018. Coggin is Associate Editor at The Rise Up Review. She lives with her wife and their two adorable dogs in Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas.