All in by Jennifer Funk

by Jennifer Funk

Not like a tap turned on and not like a match struck
and certainly not like flicking on a light, it is not sudden. 

It is barely sweet.  Ripe?  Hard to tell.  Fingers
pressed carefully into the skin, imagine say, a pear, 

green, faintly so and tenuous, as though the green
were a blush, as though the pear at the prospect

of being plucked from its tree so many weeks ago
flushed a shade that recalls grass dying in the fall

or the barest beginnings of scallion stems. 
Sometimes you tell the story in fits, sometimes

one line at a time.


Jennifer Funk is native Californian currently proving her mettle in New England. A graduate of Warren Wilson's MFA Program for Writers, she has been a scholarship recipient of the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference and The Frost Place. Her work can be found or is forthcoming at The Cimarron ReviewFour Way ReviewThe BoilerSWWIM, and elsewhere.