All in by Emma Bolden

by Emma Bolden

Having kept a list of dangers living
sick in the back of my throat, having
numbered the entrances & exigencies,

having taken note of the exits at both ends
of the plane knowing one is always behind me,
having kept to myself secrets, hands, a series

of descriptions that involve the word blood,
having up-buttoned the blouse & up-stitched
the hem, having whittled a half-inch off each

pair of heels, having walked only outside
of alleyways & under streetlamps, having learned
by fistblow, by bladetooth, having found myself

inside & safe & asking my door’s lock if safety is a myth
I have locked myself into believing in order to step
from my bed, having slid from the bed & onto my knees

& there offered the blank called God both gratitude
& supplication, having wondered if there can be gratitude
without supplication, having nonetheless given thanks

for storm clouds, sugar packets, dust mites & silence,
having prayed that the war is ending, having prayed
that the war has not yet begun, having lost teeth &

the concept of virginity, having called the absence
God & God an absence, having raw-picked
the scab, having stone-packed my pockets before walking

out of the river, having thanked the night for hiding
the dumb wasted furniture of what I call a life, having given
my best plans & laid down in the rain, having noticed

in the oil an iridescence spectacular, having held a winged
insect in my hand & seen on its wings the same
shimmer & sheen before it asked its wings to fly

again & I stood watching, having after all this no choice
but to stay here, to stand & to marvel, to see & to see.


Emma Bolden is the author of House Is an Enigma (Southeast Missouri State UP), medi(t)ations (Noctuary Press), and Maleficae (GenPop Press). The recipient of an NEA Fellowship, she serves as Associate Editor-in-Chief for Tupelo Quarterly and an Editor of Screen Door Review. Her memoir, The Tiger and the Cage, is forthcoming from Soft Skull Press in 2022.