All in by Alyse Knorr

by Alyse Knorr

It's #tbt! Enjoy this great one from
SWWIM Every Day's archives!

When you pray to your ancestors I pray too—
por favor, avó, não deixe isso ser verdade—but
I don’t ask them about the bolt piercing
the heart on your skin, or why I’m a decade late.
My mothers foretold that night you pulled me in,
foretold how you’d take my head in your
steel-trap hands. Listen: quando eu não estou
com você, estou pensando em você
—can you hear it
over the coffee fields, the cries of the women
birthing in the dirt? Can you hear it underground,
deeper than the seeds and the roots and the cashbox
and the mantle? Down in the core I’m keening
quando estou com você, estou pensando em beijar você;
down in the mantle I’m keening you home.


Alyse Knorr is an associate professor of English at Regis University and co-editor of Switchback Books. She is the author of three poetry collections and four poetry chapbooks as well as two non-fiction books, including, most recently, GoldenEye (Boss Fight Books 2022). Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The New Republic, Poetry Magazine, Alaska Quarterly Review, Denver Quarterly, and The Georgia Review, among others. She received her MFA from George Mason University.

by Alyse Knorr

When you pray to your ancestors I pray too—

por favor, avó, não deixe isso ser verdade—but

I don’t ask them about the bolt piercing

the heart on your skin, or why I’m a decade late.

My mothers foretold that night you pulled me in,

foretold how you’d take my head in your

steel-trap hands. Listen: quando eu não estou

com você, estou pensando em você—can you hear it

over the coffee fields, the cries of the women

birthing in the dirt? Can you hear it underground,

deeper than the seeds and the roots and the cashbox

and the mantle? Down in the core I’m keening        

quando estou com você, estou pensando em beijar você;

down in the mantle I’m keening you home.


Alyse Knorr is an assistant professor of English at Regis University and editor of Switchback Books. She is the author of the poetry collections Mega-City Redux (Green Mountains Review 2017), Copper Mother (Switchback Books 2016), and Annotated Glass (Furniture Press Books 2013), as well as the non-fiction book Super Mario Bros. 3 (Boss Fight Books 2016) and the poetry chapbooks Epithalamia (Horse Less Press 2015) and Alternates (dancing girl press 2014).