by Lauren Goodwin Slaughter
After the photograph by Dutch artist, Rineke Dijkstra, from her series of portraits of los forcados. In the final event of a Portuguese bullfight, young men known as los forcados use their bodies to exhaust and subdue the bull in a kind of dance called pega de caras.
It was me or the bull
as it always is. The bull
with his brute-breath
and steam, fear that smells
of a father’s knowing
his smaller son can take him
and will. Offer to bow
to the beast. Offer the dreams
in your skull, the Praia
de Benagil sunlight flaring
through a hole. Time is a boy
I can almost reach—
a kite flown, the blue-tiled floor
of my faraway mother
stampeded with footprints.
I came here for the question
answered by the crowd’s
ovation: a man now, must
I have blood on my face
to be seen.