All in Jennifer Schomburg Kanke

by Jennifer Schomburg Kanke

It's #tbt! Enjoy this great one from SWWIM Every Day's archives!

Let us not forget our songs
that sang us in our times

of powerlessnesss,
swirling in our sacrums like

soul’s Charybdis
as our legs walked to their beats

because our hearts were
muffled AM stations,

hollow in their antiquated mono.
May we thank them on the daily

for their visions of crashing
waves and changing tides

when all we felt: feedback, static,
our own cluttered airwaves.


Jennifer Schomburg Kanke lives in Florida where she edits confidential documents. Her work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in New Ohio Review, Massachusetts Review, Shenandoah, and Salamander. Her zine about her experiences undergoing chemotherapy for ovarian cancer, Fine, Considering, is available from Rinky Dink Press. She serves as a reader for The Dodge.

by Jennifer Schomburg Kanke

Let us not forget our songs

that sang us in our times

of powerlessness,

swirling in our sacrums like

soul’s Charybdis

as our legs walked to their beats

because our hearts were

muffled AM stations,

hollow in their antiquated mono.

May we thank them on the daily

for their visions of crashing

waves and changing tides

when all we felt: feedback, static,

our own cluttered airwaves.


Originally from Columbus, Ohio, Jennifer Schomburg Kanke now lives in Tallahassee, Florida where she edits boring internal documents for Tallahassee Community College and is a poetry reader for Emrys. Her work has appeared in Prairie Schooner, Nimrod, Court Green, and Gingerbread House.