SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.



I held my baby daughter in her yellow rainsuit every day 
on the four-month trip out West: Big Sur, Olympia, Whistler,  

Glacier, smile all tooth and grimace in our photographs by the sea, 
the yellow nylon like a fever I clutched so I wouldn’t throw her down  

to dirt and dart away. Madness’ keen approach like a wolf, lit by stars,  
steering my hands to shred at my skin, a crow’s beak tearing apart  

a nest in its search for hunger’s end. My daughter’s need a dog’s  
steady howl, all night her shrieks of want no voice could answer,  

no touch could calm. My breasts shrugged their empty flesh  
and I sang a lullaby to still the tremble at the corners—  

all the pretty little horses and their bright stampede across my hands, 
the walls of the metal camper thin as a knife’s knowing blade.  

Every cliff’s lip I considered from a stone’s view—such a long way  
down, such a quick step to go from rest to motion, fall to free. 

Meghan Sterling’s debut poetry collection, These Few Seeds (Terrapin Books), came out in 2021. Sterling’s work is forthcoming in The Los Angeles Review, Rhino Poetry, Colorado Review, Poetry South, and many others. Her chapbook, Self-Portrait with Ghosts of the Diaspora (Harbor Editions), her collection, Comfort the Mourners (Everybody Press) and her collection, View from a Borrowed Field, which won Lily Poetry Review’s Paul Nemser Book Prize, are forthcoming in 2023.



Shedding Weight