SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

Shedding Weight

after “Scale” by Helen Mort 

I measure myself against 
the thunderstorm that comes unannounced— 
the weight of its howls, the air 
locked inside the cage of a black cloud, 
against my own held breath, 
or the trophy you won for your songs.  

I measure myself in 
your whispers falling  
like condensation 
that stays on dutiful 
edges of forgotten coffee mugs, 
nervous, as if fingerprints 
locked inside of droplets  
could come alive.  

I measure myself against 
as they merge into pleated waves.  

My weight is 
30 pounds more than Laika, 
your dog, just before she died 
when she was old and fat—  

ten pounds less than the maple in our front yard, 
its weight calculated by multiplying the volume  
of its presence by the density of its wood.  

My weight can also be measured 
in bags of rice, flour, ragi—enough 
pulses for a satsang gathering 
at our own upcoming funerals. 
But some days it feels heavier  
than this house, a water-logged 
presence like the street wrapped 
around Maple enclave.  

I am the curved intersection 
warping itself, a kingsnake 
doubled up around a cave.

Kashiana Singh calls herself a work practitioner and embodies the essence of her TEDx talk - Work as Worship into her everyday. She proudly serves as a Managing Editor for Poets Reading the News. Her newest full-length collection, Woman by the Door, was released with Apprentice House Press in 2022. Kashiana lives in North Carolina and carries her various geopolitical homes within her poetry.


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