SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

Landscape with Russian Olive Trees and Ashram

I can’t take in enough—
      the fruity warmth
      ripe citrus honey vanilla
            and something I can’t quite place.

This must be what the moon 
smells like.

      Invasive, the residents tell me.
             This sweetness? These roots that fix
the nitrogen in the strip-mined earth?

I lean closer to the curtainless window
            breathe in through the screen
      fragrancing the arch and ache 
      of clustered yellow
      as though I too might take root.

             The four-lobed blooms
                  windmilling me. I exhale
                         so close to repair, my abdomen
                               pressed toward my spine. Here,
hammocked by a familiar longing, balm for a grief
that does not leave me.

                                          What it must be like
            to stave off erosion, to belong,
            scented and persistent.


Sandra Fees graduated from Syracuse University’s creative writing program. Her work has been published in New Madrid, Quiddity, Sky Island Journal, and Calyx, among others, and she was a finalist in The Ekphrastic Review’s 2021 “Bird Watching” Contest. A former Poet Laureate in Berks County, Pennsylvania, she is the author of The Temporary Vase of Hands (Finishing Line Press, 2017).

Nowhere, Fast

Fish Flies on the Shores of St. Clair