SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

Keep the Door Ajar


The apartment is dangerously cold at night.
The hearth is a perimeter too far from my body.
I’ve taken to freezing a glass of milk before bed
And using it as a doorstopper.


Some days, the heat tickles my toes. Others,
I’m peering through a crack, half-expecting
The neighbor’s nativity scene to come alive—
How long is too long when conspiring?


After saying yes to a sleepover, I wake to a lover
Carelessly making his way to the bathroom.
He reassures me he’s not an angry drunk.
I never told him to pack a pair of slippers.

Mercedes Rodriguez is a poet from Los Angeles, CA. They are an MFA poetry candidate at North Carolina State University.


Two Women and the Rain