SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

My Halfway House

My mother sang opera off-key
while she worked in her kitchen,
favored Pagliacci, a story

of entanglement. The dissonance
irritated me as a teenager
but became part of what I hold

close, the longing for what itches
most after it's gone, for the woman
who never got to use her passport.

Have a career, she advised. It's less
. I had a primeval fear
she would devour me,

like the gerbil mother I once observed
in a tank who meticulously
negated all her babies.

Have your own money.
Don't depend
 on any man.
The colonized body has two choices,

and either way, La commedia è finita!
Lie down with the devil.
Don't lie down.

There will be nothing when you run
out of figs. You will be
like the fireflies, practically gone.

Susana H. Case is the award-winning author of eight books of poetry, most recently, The Damage Done (Broadstone Books, 2022). She is co-editor with Margo Taft Stever of I Wanna Be Loved by You: Poems on Marilyn Monroe (Milk & Cake Press, 2022). Case worked several decades as a university professor/program coordinator in New York City. She is a co-editor of Slapering Hol Press. If This Isn't Love is forthcoming from Broadstone Books in 2024.

At the Women's Health Center

The Scientist and Her Husband Observed the Consciousness of Gnats in Spoleto, Italy