SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

At the Wedding Shower of My Future Daughter-In-Law

When I try my best not to say “fuck” as in 
it was so fucking adorable when David  
used to belt out James Taylor’s  
“Shed a Little Light” standing on top  
of the coffee table in the living room,  
singing into a wooden spoon  
as if it were a microphone, 
his shirt off, his hair a mass of brown curls.  

When I try to act my age,  
even though I am wearing  
a jean jacket and everyone  
else looks a little nicer.  

How two families join each other  
when a wedding is about to happen  
and you all try to be on your best behavior.  

How maybe I want to get the award  
for the best mother-in-law from the woman  
my son is about to marry by making her breakfast 
and giving her a necklace I hope she loves.  

How she looks at him and he, her. 
How it feels a little like a handoff, 
not that I am going anywhere, 
at least I fucking hope not.

Sarah Dickenson Snyder lives in Vermont, carves in stone, & rides her bike. Travel opens her eyes. She has three poetry collections, The Human Contract (2017), Notes from a Nomad (nominated for the Massachusetts Book Awards 2018), and With a Polaroid Camera (2019) with another book forthcoming in 2023. Poems have been nominated for Best of the Net and a Pushcart Prize. Recent work is in Rattle, Lily Poetry Review, and RHINO. See sarahdickensonsnyder.com.

The Nymph and the Scorpion
