SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

It's #tbt! Enjoy this great one from SWWIM Every Day's archives!

Rise before the sun,
help it over the horizon,
sit in a silent room,
walk on the rain,
sliver the day
into breaths,
& swallow

Sarah Dickenson Snyder lives in Vermont, carves in stone, & rides her bike. Travel opens her eyes. She has three poetry collections, The Human Contract (2017), Notes from a Nomad (nominated for the Massachusetts Book Awards 2018), and With a Polaroid Camera (2019) with another book forthcoming in 2023. Recent work is in Rattle, Lily Poetry Review, and RHINO. sarahdickensonsnyder.com

Memory Is a Ghost Called “Detail”

grandmother as Scylla