SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

Cut Apple

Cut apple, my son says.
He doesn’t understand the work of a blade,

why the male cardinal becomes September
in a tree, showing off his bold flame

like men on the street who whistle at me.
I always wanted a son. Now that I have,

how do I have a son and make him
the kind of man I want for a daughter?

Is it in the field of daisies I say to smell,
but not pick? Is it in my voice

as I comfort him, never demanding to be
a big boy, but instead yes, that hurt.

Is it the way he already knows to kiss
a baby doll made of plastic, her flimsy

eyelids and lashes shutting then opening
faster than seeing any wrong thing?

Maybe it’s in the love I want for myself.
The kind that holds promises like a child

does a pinecone. Small, and always wrapped
in a soft fist. Protecting, but never

diminishing. As if the child knows
something this primal can always be taken.

Richelle Buccilli holds a BA in Creative Writing and her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Rogue Agent, NELLE, Uppagus, Pittsburgh Quarterly, and Rattle, among others. She lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and son.

Medusa in the Kitchen

Brother, I'd Like to Dream of it More Often