SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.


My mother kept a saucepan with no handle
and a tarnished spoon for her wax.
Wax the color of pond muck
more brown than yellow, but green
the color of having once been organic.
The pan she'd set on a low flame
and when the wax had melted, she'd lift
the spoon, the convex part up-facing, covered
with wax, which would begin to congeal
and this thin smear she'd wipe onto
her upper lip, one swipe above the left side
and one above the right. Then she'd light
a cigarette, a filtered Raleigh purchased by the carton,
the S & H Green stamps set aside for a matching
platter to the table-settings for eight
she'd already amassed. She'd deal us each
six cards and we'd play cribbage. She would claim
my missed points, didn't care that I was eight.
She liked to win. Her eyes squinted when smoke
flared upward. When she'd beaten me, she'd
tear the hardened wax away in two swift yanks.
Two curled petals, smooth on one side
and hairy on the other. Two little animals.

Athena Kildegaard book of poems, Prairie Midden, is due this fall from Tinderbox Editions. Her poems have appeared recently in Prairie Schooner, december, Poetry Northwest, Beloit Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. She lives and teaches in western Minnesota.

Lake Erie Guesthouse

Anne of All Myths