SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.


It's #tbt! Enjoy this great one from SWWIM Every Day's archives!

Every time my brother calls stoned
he tells me he doesn’t believe  
in God. I know, I say. What else is there?  

I list all the things I know for sure,  
like a kind of centipede that can see 
an entire spectrum of purple  

we could never imagine. Or, an oak tree 
older than things like math or music. 
I keep going, though I know he is not listening.  

Some frogs bark, the sound louder  
than a pack of dogs. You can hear them  
best each May. Brother, don’t you remember  

spring always comes late? 

Kristen Zory King is a writer, teaching artist, and yoga instructor based in Washington, DC. Recent work can be found in Electric Lit, The Citron Review, Mason Jar Press’s The Jarnal: Volume Two, Stanchion, and mac(ro)mic, among others. She is currently at work on a collection of flash fiction stories, among other projects. Learn more at kristenzoryking.com.

After the Streets Flooded

The Body as a River