Lately, ladies, I can hear the scratching
In the evening. Someone’s itching to write in the graveyard
On your literary tombstone: “She wasn’t capable
Of sustained ambition.” What’s my problem, anyway?
I am not writing the autobiography that includes
Annoying Romances with Giants and Would-Be Giants
I am not writing an article which Anoints
Or Disparages, I am keeping and hiding the drunken
Bodies; I am not writing the tell-all nor the epic.
I’m afraid my eyeballs are rather small, after all.
I saw genius expanded by flattery and gin.
It was like learning that nations were shapes kings picked.
I had no domestic gifts, was left to muddle in the middle.
I am not writing the treatise or the treaty. Or the treatment—
Shards, baby. Shards of the numinous.