SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.



Warm butter buttercream
Peach cobbler pumpkinpie

Salt bagel stickybun
Cream puff heavycream
Poundcake cupcake cardamom

Toasted pastry puddingpop
Fun fetti lollipop
Rootbeercandy shoofly

Nosh nibble gobbleup
Wolfdown polishoff
Porkout peckat muscledown
Swallow gnaw nod-off

Brown Rice McDonald Clark
Taylor Sterling Fonville Gray

Popo plainclothes M&P
Sauer M16
Rocke feller submachine
Stopandfrisk brutality

Water cannon grenadier
Rubber pepperball
Snatchsquad phalanx riotwhip
Lawdogs crowdcontrol

Tracking tapping highpolice
Gitmo blacksite holocausts
Ohsay canyousee

Neysa King is a poet and essayist whose work has appeared in Slippery Elm Literary Journal, Chaleur Magazine, the San Antonio Review and others. She was a finalist for the 2019 Princemere Prize in Poetry and the recipient of the 2020 San Antonio Writers Guild Prize in Poetry. You can find her work on instagram @neysaking or at www.neysaking.com.


Bob's Wife

black ass walks itself to the bus stop