SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

O Breasts

O fat 
and dumb 
and white—

O precious tickets
to a carnival. 
Cotton candy.
Disneyland Matterhorn
roller coaster.

O show stealers—
main stage act,
I’m your back-up singer.

O tricksters—
how dare you 
to guard a heart. 

*This poem was a Finalist in the SWWIM For-the-Fun-of-It Contest.

Heidi Seaborn is Executive Editor of The Adroit Journal and author of the award-winning debut collection Give a Girl Chaos (C&R Press/Mastodon Books, 2019) and two chapbooks. Since Heidi returned to writing in 2016, she’s won or been shortlisted for over two dozen awards and her poetry has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies such as American Poetry Journal, Frontier, Greensboro Review, The Missouri Review, Mississippi Review, Penn Review and as the daily poem in The Slowdown and SWWIM. She holds an MFA in Poetry from NYU. www.heidiseabornpoet.com

Scrabble in the Time of Social Distancing

Grab Shot