SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

2020 Offerings

I was gifted an eastern red columbine.
What more could I ask of a volunteer plant releasing
hydrogen cyanide than one with hermaphrodite
flowers pollinated by bumblebees & hummingbirds.

I was gifted a bird I’d never seen.
Russet-gold feathers, white-specked underbelly, eyes
to the hot pepper suet, claws the swaying cable line.
He sang his presence the previous evening.

I was gifted a quick-stepped intruder.
A devotee to chain link fences who softened
the fall of a latch. Brown thrasher, I cherish 
your willingness to draw blood defending your own.

Brown thrasher, the Audubon Guide to North
American Birds says your numbers dwindle.
Describes a leaf-tossing mimic capable
of singing a thousand songs as common.  

Jules Jacob is a writer and child advocate living in Southwest Missouri whose work appears in journals and anthologies including SWWIM Every Day, Plume Anthology 8, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Rust + Moth, and elsewhere. She’s the author of The Glass Sponge (Finishing Line Press) and a recipient of the Virginia Center for the Creative Art’s fellowship in Auvillar, France. Learn more at julesjacob.com

Preference for Bifurcation
