SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

Welcome to the new SWWIM!


We're back! Thank you for waiting & reading & for supporting SWWIM and its mission! 

From 8/15/18 on, evey poem of the day will appear here as well as in your inbox (if you subscribe). 

Please roam through the site, find upcoming readings and events, and visit the archive of our first year when we published 192 poems by women, women-identifying and/or femme-presenting writers. Yeah!

Submissions are now open (click here to submit), and fee-free weeks will appear throughout the year. We're working hard to balance the real costs of running this operation and the fact that submission fees are a burden for many poets. We hear you, and we're trying to make this work for everyone.

Please reach out to us with any comments and/or feedback about the site. We're excited to hear what you think.


Take care & happy writing!

Catherine & Jen





On the End of Mango Season, and Still Falling Fruit by Christell Victoria Roach